For patients with an extreme fear or anxiety of dentistry that stems from a deep-seated trauma from a past experience or unshakeable phobia, deep sedation may be the only form of relief. Medication is a last resort and last hope if your oral health is suffering from your inability to seek proper treatment. Dr. Robert Choi can help you determine if you are a good candidate for deep sedation.
If nitrous oxide or oral sedation has not been effective or you experience side effects, then deep sedation may be your best option. It is a convenient, effective and affordable option that is now available to you in our practice. With deep sedation, you can complete major work with little to no memory of your treatment and recover from it's effects faster.
Convenience of Deep Sedation​
Only one visit will be needed. Induction technique does not involve an injection or drink, just a few breaths of a gas. Our specialist can complete evaluation by telephone and on the day of the procedure. Recovery is faster than oral sedation.​​
Affordability of Deep Sedation​
Avoid multiple doses nitrous oxide and/or oral sedation that are not usually covered by dental insurance.
Efficiency of Deep Sedation
Completing dental work will be faster and more effectively accomplished.
Special Offer
Schedule your complimentary Sedation Consultation with Dr. Robert Choi today, to claim this offer click here. Expires June 1, 2018

Meet Dr. Alex Trag
Meet our our in-house anesthesiologist, Dr. Alex Trag, who offers our patients deep sedation. Dr. Targ’s skills and medical judgment have been refined over years of hospital work caring for critically ill children and adults during complex operation. With over 15,000 anethesia cases, he can give you a level of confidence that your child is in safe, capable and experienced hands. After earning a B.S.degree in Biophysics and Biochemistry from Stanford University, Dr Trag completed both medical school and four years of additional specialized anesthesiology training at the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine (UCSF). This program is widely regarded as one of the top anesthesia training programs in the world. He also served on the UCSF and Stanford clinical faculty and published 19 scientific articles, abstracts, and book chapters. He has extensive experience in dental sedation and holds a Dental Board of California "General Anesthesia Permit."